Research Info
Scientific Studies Supporting Acupuncture for Diabetes and Related Symptoms Treatment
- Treatment of Insulin Resistance by Acupuncture: A Review of Human and Animal Studies[Acupuncture in Medicine, 2018]
- Acupuncture for Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus in a Patient with Myasthenia Gravis: A Case Report[Journal of Acupuncture and Meridian Studies, 2017]
- Role of acupuncture in the treatment of insulin resistance: A systematic review and meta-analysis[Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 2019]
- Effectiveness of Acupuncture as an Adjunctive Therapy for Diabetes Mellitus: A Randomized Controlled Trial[Medical Acupuncture, 2014]
- Acupuncture in the Treatment of Diabetic Bladder Dysfunction[Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2014]
- Acupuncture for the Treatment of Peripheral Neuropathy[Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 2017]
Health News Coverage
- Acupuncture for Diabetes[healthline]
- Does Acupuncture for Diabetes Work?[Medical News Today]
- Acupuncture to Relieve Neuropathy Pain[WebMD]
Chiropractic Medicine
Chiropractic treatments can relieve pain possibly caused by nerve compression or inflammation. Chiropractic medicine can be a part of an integrated treatment plan for peripheral neuropathy, a common diabetes problem. Early treatment may decrease the harshness of the motor and sensory nerve damage.
Medical Massage Therapy
Massage therapy is one of the oldest, safest, and fastest growing complimentary therapy in the United States. Massage therapy stimulates the lymph system, which may assist in lowering blood sugar levels, and removes toxins from the bloodstream.
It improves blood circulation which is often a complaint by diabetes patients. It is may also lower both blood glucose and blood pressure.
Aromatherapy is the therapeutic use of essential oils which been dating back to Hippocrates. The essential oils can be inhaled or diluted with a carrier oil and placed topically on the skin. The type of essential oil and the delivery system depends on the symptom. Essential oils come from aromatic plants such as lavender. A smelled fragrance can result in an instant reaction from new or learned behavior. Pleasant smells from these essential oils are invigorating(jasmine), stimulating(lemongrass), peppermint and basil or relaxing (rose and lavender). Aromatherapy can reduce inflammation, aid in cell regeneration and reduce or eliminate infection. It can lower stress and raise coping mechanisms. Just place 3-5 drops of a pure (avoid synthetic oils) essential oil on a cotton ball and breathe in slowly for 5 minutes. Training to become an aromatherapist can come from an online certification.
Tai Chi and Yoga
- Tai chi is an ancient form of meditation that combines breathing techniques and relaxation exercise which may help blood glucose control. Once learned, Tai Chi is practiced anywhere and at any time. It encourages mental relaxation, uplifts moods and reduces stress thru a natural flow of energy. Tai Chi focuses on building strength, balance and flexibility thru slow, deliberate fluid movements; it includes mental imagery and deep breathing. Tai Chi improves cardiorespiratory fitness, muscle strength, peripheral circulation and lowers anxiety. It is slow-moving and easy on the joints and muscles. Find an experienced teacher who has mastered the moves themselves.
- Yoga – For thousands of years, many different types of yoga have been practiced. Some are extremely physically demanding, and others are more relaxed, easy and meditative. Variation of practices may enhance and grow your personal experiences. The original context of yoga was spiritual development to train the body and mind to “self-observe.” It is to raise awareness and lower disease. Certain yoga poses can help both the body and mind relax, improve circulation and lower blood sugars and blood pressure. It enhances mobility, reduces stress and stress hormones, lowers inflammation and insulin resistance, all positive things when you have diabetes.
You can also text or call: 703-373-3677 to book an appointment.
Tele-Health and Virtual Appointment
Virtual visits will be offered through a private and secure platform called where data is encrypted and none of your information is stored. A patient tutorial video is available here:Telemedicine for patients
o You do not need to download any software or create an account.
o You will receive the link in your email or as a text message. You simply click on the link, enter your name, and then you are connected to the virtual waiting room!
o Ensure that your camera and microphone are turned on and the volume is turned up.
o We recommend that you are located in a private room with good lighting for optimal video visits.
o Please check your spam/junk folder if you do not receive the link in your email.
o Please ensure that you have the adequate equipment and are able to manage the technology for the virtual visit. Google chrome is the preferred web browser over Safari when using
o If the audio/video communications is disrupted or fails, then a telephone visit may be used at the discretion of the provider for Medicare patients and participating insurance policies.
IMPORTANT: Please read and agree to the following information regarding virtual visits prior to your virtual visit appointment.
Capital Diabetes Center
- I acknowledge the following:
- I have scheduled this appointment in advance with my knowledge that this is a virtual visit.
- This virtual visit is not an emergency medical service. If I have an emergency I am aware that I will need to call 911 immediately to receive emergency medical care.
- I understand is the secure electronic communication platform used as a means to provide medical care to me by my provider and that once I connect to, I automatically agree to the service.
I acknowledge:
- The purpose of the virtual visit is to seek medical evaluation, treatment, and care that will be provided by my providers.
- Information that I provide to my providers will be used to diagnose and treat my medical condition.
- During the virtual visit, my providers may ask for my medical records.
- I understand that if there is a disruption, disconnection, or poor quality of communication as determined by myself and/or my provider, that the virtual visit may end by either myself or by my provider. If my medical condition was not fully made known to my provider, I will need to provide that updated medical information to my provider either through a different virtual visit or an in person office visit.
Financial Responsibility:
- You are responsible for any co-payment, co-insurance, deductible, fees, or any out-of-pocket cost.
- This will be charged either before or after the virtual visit.
- If you do not have insurance, you will be directly responsible for the charges of the virtual visit.
- You verify that the insurance information on file is current or you have notified the office of any changes and have notified the office of any address change.
- A virtual visit will not include a direct physical examination which otherwise may assist in the medical evaluation.
- A virtual visit will not include testing of your blood pressure or heart rate or weight/height, and you would need to provide that information if you want that included in you medical assessment.
- You may still need to come in for an office visit for further evaluation of your medical condition if the need is determined by your provider.
You acknowledge and agree to the following:
- The same privacy laws apply to virtual visits as they do in case of in person visits.
- Your virtual visit will be held up to the same standard of privacy of health information and confidentiality as an in-person office visit.
- You can withdraw consent of the virtual visit at anytime without the risk of losing further medical care by your provider or the risk of not being able to schedule future appointments with your provider.
- You may request an in office visit.
- You have had the opportunity to ask questions regarding virtual visits.
- I acknowledge that I have read the full information indicated above regarding virtual visits. I fully understand and agree to my virtual visit appointment with my provider and agree to use the virtual visit option in my medical care.